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What is Wicca?
One and only one vital source for our joys and sorrows is our karma. Our karma, both good and bad, has been with us for the past many incarnations. The seed of our karma takes its own time to grow. There are karmic seeds whose plants sprout up, grow, wither and die on almost daily or even hourly basis.
There are other seeds that take decades to grow and bear fruit. People just forget that they had sowed that karmic seed because it had been done long long ago. The sowing may have taken place in some previous incarnation so that when they reap its fruit, whether in form of joy or sorrow, they have no idea how it came about.
Witchcraft and wiccan spells
This belief in sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind is one of the basic tenets of Witchcraft. Witchcraft is the most democratic belief system that allows widest personal freedom in making choices in beliefs and actions. But one thing all the practitioners of witchcraft around the world agree upon is: as you sow, so shall you reap.
Wiccans, or the believers and practitioners of witchcraft, actually, believe in three-fold law, which says: "All good that a person does to another returns three-fold in this life; harm is also returned three-fold. Do whatever you wish as long as it harms no one."
Witchcraft involves prayer, meditation, rituals and worship to create magic in form of charms or spells to alleviate the karmic suffering. The cast their spells generally in two ways:
One, they just pray and wish strongly and their prayer acts the way it is intended. It may influence the mind of a person or change the course of an event.
The second method is to cast their spell on some seemingly inanimate object or symbol. When a wish or a prayer is chanted with powerful concentration over an object or a symbol, it acquires magical power that can influence a person or the course of action. The empowered object may be an amulet, charm, spell or a talisman. Charms can be developed through chants, incantations, inscriptions and actions.
It must be clarified that “Spells are not about turning people into frogs or granting wishes. A spell is a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life."
Honest and conscientious Wiccans never create spells to harm, dominate, manipulate or control any person or course of action without their expressed consent. Therefore, Wiccans carefully think about the possible consequences of spells before creating them.
There are as many methods and designs of Wiccan spells as there are the Wiccans.
Some spells are quite simple. They involve the use of a few phrases and actions.
Some spells may be complex. Their creation may involve several rituals such as casting circles, invocation of deities, and statement of objectives, meditation, prayer, thinking of deities and closing the circle.
Experienced Wiccans generally think of the following four tasks before casting spells:
- They know clearly about what is to be accomplished.
- They will strongly about what they want to do. To explain it, they have belief in their skills and the divinity of their actions.
- They dare to change the course of events, circumstances and environment.
- They remain silent before and after they cast the spells.
Witchcraft, as mentioned earlier, allows maximum personal freedom in making choices. So it is not essential that you have to follow a specific pattern of thought or action to cast a spell. You can modify this procedure or develop altogether a new approach according to your personality, beliefs and the need of the situation.
You may, for example, chant as you draw a circle:
“May the circle be open and remain unbroken,
May the circle be open and forever in your heart.
Merry Meet, and Merry Part, till Merry we Meet again!”
What matters most is that, as a witch, you take responsibility for whatever you do—be it for good or for an evil—it would be returned to you magnified three times over. Even if you are using the magic for someone else, you are more responsible than your client-subject for the consequences of your magic. Your client is not supposed to know as much as you do.
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